ISSN: 2658-9346 | Arab Journal of International Law

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Monday 15 June 2020

Arab Journal of International Law (ARJIL)



For the sake of promoting the diversity of research in International Law (IL) and contributing to the (re)construction of International Relations (IR) on the basis of dialogue, concertation and equality of law, several international institutes and organizations were created. In this regard, one can mention The International Law Institute (ILI) founded in 1873 in Gand in Belgium, The Hague Academy of International Law (Netherland) and The American Society of International Law (ASIL), founded in 1906. There are also several renowned scientific journals specializing in international law. Their contribution to advancing knowledge in various aspects of International Law is no longer to be proven. Three of them are particularly the most prestigious; these are The American Journal of International LawThe Nordic Journal of International Law and The European Journal of International Law.

Given the profound changes in the Arab World and the absence of a platform allowing researchers to express themselves freely on issues relating to International Law, it seems appropriate to set up a periodic review which could follow the progress of International Law. However, due to the practical difficulties associated with the sustainability over time of such a review, we propose, in a primary phase, to approach the state of International Law in its relations with the Arab World through the production of The Arab Journal of International Law (ARJIL).

To this end, a scientific reading committee made up of eminent researchers in the field has been set up. Its mission consists in evaluating, according to universally recognized academic standards, the papers which will be proposed by the researchers. In addition, the members of this committee also have the possibility of offering their contributions in order to enrich the content of the ARJIL.

 ARJIL’s field of interest extends to all disciplines of Public International Law, but also to its sociological (Sociology of International Law) and philosophical (Philosophy of International Law) foundations. 

Thus, the journal will focus on a variety of themes related to the economic sphere (International Economic Law and International Investment Law), the growth sphere (International Development Law), the ecological figure (International Environmental Law), the scope of human rights (International Human Rights Law) and the humanitarian area (International Humanitarian Law).

A special place will be given to critical questions linked to climate change, migratory flows and epidemics, which require a significant scientific and intellectual commitment on the part of researchers in International Law and more broadly in social sciences.

One of the major motivations behind the launching of this initiative is the insufficiency of studies linked to International Law and the various problems and tensions which shape the Arab World. ARJIL comes in handy to fill in this gap.

The geographical and institutional framework of ARJIL is the Arab World. However, we remain open to international variables and their various theoretical implications, as well as to the transformations underway on the international scene and the regional constructions of International Law (Case of the European Union).

ARJIL's objectives

ARJIL has the following objectives:

- Approach the questions of International Law from an academic angle by emphasizing the problems that arise on the Arab and international scenes. This would make it possible to capitalize on the opportunities and assets offered by scientific facts observed on an international scale in a context marked by strong inconsistencies;

- Deepen research on the questions and problems raised by International Law and their implications and effects on the Arab World;

- Analyze and develop the conceptual framework of International Law by adopting a broader approach focused on multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives through narrowing the gap between the different disciplinary fields in the social sciences (political science, sociology, philosophy, economics, history etc.).

Obviously, such an approach requires going beyond purely legal and normative studies.

Conditions for publishing articles

ARJIL will use an anonymous peer review process. The aim is to help the editorial team assess the contributions submitted to it in the most objective way possible, and to improve the papers’ quality through suggestions and constructive comments.

ARJIL accepts any original text written in ArabicEnglish or French for assessment.

The final text must reach the editor in Word format.

Authors should not submit their texts to other journals or publishers before having received the opinion of the editorial committee.

When a text is published by ARJIL, it cannot be published again, totally or partly, without permission from the editor.

Articles can be accepted, accepted after modifications or refused. The requested modifications may concern both the form and the content. It is the Editorial Committee that eventually makes the final decision about that.

Authors are invited to remove from their text any explicit allusion which would allow their identification by the experts.

Unpublished texts are not returned to their authors.

For the texts accepted for publication after expert appraisals, the authors must supply ARJIL, in addition to the summaries already provided, with:

- An abstract in one of the other two languages.

- A list of keywords (five maximum).

- Institutional affiliation.

- Email address.


Arab Journal of International Law

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