ISSN: 2658-9346 | Arab Journal of International Law

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Showing posts with label Publications. Show all posts

Thursday 29 February 2024

The 4th Annual Issue of ARJIL is Now Released




Sunday 26 February 2023

[Released] Third Annual Issue of ARJIL



Undoubtedly, the environmental dilemma requires enormous efforts at the global, national, and local levels. These laborious efforts can take the form of negotiations or any other actions to save human survival and protect the common. So, the climate international negotiations for African countries, for example, are structured by the emergence of a single voice to the point of speaking of a return of Pan-Africans and a solid attachment to scientific data to, on the one hand, approach the problem of global warming and, on the other hand, decide on the measures to be taken. Africa can manage a common position, but it needs massive work and energy on the international scene. 
Today, the major question is about the global law against the environmental crisis and the deterioration of natural resources. Therefore, we should be rethinking our orthodox law framework and traditional rules inside the term of sovereignty and local territory. The aspiration is to allow the law to be implemented within its socio-ecological and cultural context. However, is it a challenge to question the capacity of the State to establish the connection between legal endogeneity and positive law?
Is ecology a new social dimension? There are interactions between many factors and major elements of the ecological dilemma. The fact is that: we observe an interdependent economic crisis related to global change effects. The power can help us to face the environmental dilemma and climate change crisis, but the poorest countries cannot be up to the level to be resilient to this dilemma due to weak infrastructure and a fragile integration in the process of climate change financing. 

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Wednesday 21 December 2022

Media and Politics: Which is Controlling Which?



The communication of political information is an important process in the political system, and the media play a decisive role in this activity. There is extensive debate in academia about the impact of media on politics, and also the influence politicians usually have on different media platforms to guide the masses toward certain directions and actions. Some theorists believe that the mass media facilitate democracy by allowing a wide variety of views to be expressed. Some believe that the media are antidemocratic because of their power to manipulate the way people think about politics at home and abroad and that the manipulation is usually exercised by people in power assuming that politicians are the hidden “institutions” behind media products. This article provides a review of recent debates in the field from both parties.

Ahlam Lamjahdi

Mohammed Premier University, Morocco

Cite as 
Lamjahdi, Ahlam. (2022). Media and Politics: Which is Controlling Which?. Arab Journal of International Law.

Wednesday 14 December 2022

GEOCULTURE AND GEOPOLITICS What Interplay for Soft Power Intercommunication(s) in a Globalized World?



Editor-in-Chief  Mohammed Guamguami
      Co-editors  Ahlam Lamjahdi       EL Houcine Chougrani       Mohammed Saddougui    
Final review & design  Abdedaim Battioui  




I. Mapping the World through Media

Ahlam Lamjahdi ____________________________________________2

  • Cinema, Geopolitics, and Power Surveillance: Screening Middle East in Post-9/11 Hollywood Films                                                                   

Mohamed Bataoui __________________________________________18 

  • L’impact des réseaux sociaux sur les représentations culturelles : de la déconstruction à la construction 

Hanane Karrouh___________________________________________48

II. The Discourse of Geo-politics/culture across Places and Spaces

  • Prologue
  • La Méditerranée au-delà de la géopolitique

Francesco Caddeo _________________________________________64

  • Extra-political Contacts across the B/Orders: Otherness, Culture and Order

Aziz Qaissi _______________________________________________88

  • The Geopolitical Construction of Space: Ceuta and Melilla

Imad Oilad Ali ___________________________________________113

III. The Geocultural/political Fiction

  • Prologue 
  • Postcolonial Arab Science-Fiction Resistance through (Dis)-Appearance: Reclaiming Space and Memory in The Book of Disappearance by Ibtissam Azem

Karmim Rawae and Rabouj Zineb _____________________________140

  • Towards a Geocultural Vision of Postcolonialism: A Critical Analysis of Mahmood Mamdani’s Neither Settler nor Native the Making and Unmaking of Permanent Minorities

Houda Lahbouchi _________________________________________157


IV. The Geo-trio: Crossing Boundaries between Economics, Politics, and Culture

  • Prologue 
  • Geo-cultural and Political Dialogue between Pakistan and Turkey: Resetting the Diplomatic Pace for ‘soft power,’ Regional and Global Imagery in a Changing World

Tahsseen Nizar and Tuğba Aydin Halisoğlu ____________________185

  • Towards a Global Market Domination under a Linguistic and a Sociocultural Soft Power Strategy

Lalia Belabdi ____________________________________________226

  • Mapping Trends of Geopolitical Research: A Bibliometric Analysis 2000-2021

Sanae Ejjebli ____________________________________________254

V. Mapping Geo-culture across Glocal Relations

  • Prologue 
  • Geo-cultural Interventions in Cross-Civilizational Communication: Towards a Dialogical Approach 

Benachour Saidi __________________________________________279

  • Morocco’s Geopolitics of Religion in Sub-Saharan Africa: Promoting Religious Dialogue and Spiritual Security

Fatima Zohra Alaoui Mahrez ________________________________299

  • La culture, enjeu central des relations internationales

Meryem Mehrez __________________________________________329

  • Les Think tanks Marocains et la consolidation d'une vision en relations internationales

Abdelfettah EL Fatin and Abdelouahad Nouib __________________352


VI. Geo-applications in Context

  • Prologue 
  • Emotional Intelligence, Soft Power and the Value of Dialogical Relationships in Intra/Interpersonal Communication

Aicha Adoui ____________________________________________371

  • Transformational Soft Power of Generation Z:  Analysis of the Geo-Culturalization of the Landscape through Educational Initiatives and Activism

Catherine M. Roche and Patricia E. Szobonya _________________391

  • Géopolitique de la traduction juridique

Mohammed Saddougui and Mohammed El Wali _______________433

  • The New Era of Climate Advocacy Climate Change Litigation

El Houcine Chougrani and Abdedaim Battioui ________________459

Publication date:
December 11, 2022

Sunday 27 February 2022

Second Annual Issue of ARJIL



This issue of the Arab Journal of International Law (ARJIL) brings together contributions from different fields, with the common ambition of examining retrospectively how international law can contribute to the understanding of contemporary issues and their implementation in the Arab region. 

  This multidisciplinary and collective questioning promises to lead to concrete proposals useful for re-examining the challenges of law and social sciences in the Arab region. This diversity of analytical frameworks seems particularly fruitful for enriching debates and reflections on the dynamics of change.  






Meryem MEHREZ Être réfugié, au féminin !



Intissar BEN SBIH Les déplacements environnementaux :   Défis juridiques et politiques liés à la sécurité humaine 



Essaid TARBALOUTI et Abderrazak OUALI

Environnement, instruments réglementaires et économiques et internalisation des externalités



Walid Ben RAHMA

La gouvernance des migrations en droit international au regard du Pacte de Marrakech de 2018



Younés Zakkari

Vers une réforme du système sécuritaire en Afrique : Quelle contribution du Maroc ?



Mohammed EL BASRI, Khadija DOUIRI & Karim El Betioui

Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the Moroccan tourism sector: A qualificative study



Articles in Arabic




إبراهيم تكنت

 الذكاء الاصطناعي واستراتيجية البيانات الضخمة في القطاع العام: نحو الدولة 4.0



أحمد محمد أبوزيد و باولا كاسانيللي   


التعاون الاستراتيجي بين الاتحاد الأوروبي ودول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، ومستقبل التنافسات الجيوسياسية في حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط والخليج العربي



لحسن الحسناوي


 تأثير التغيرات المناخية على الأوضاع الأمنية بالمنطقة العربية:  دراسة في التداعيات واستراتيجيات التكيّف  



تقى صالح العضايلة و رضوان محمود المجالي


 التّداعيات الاقتصادية والسياسية للتغييرات المناخية على منطقة الشرق الأوسط   بالإشارة إلى الحالة الأردنية



زهير لعميم

 السلام البيئي والحاجة إلى فكر فلسفي معاصر




الحسين شكراني و كمال حلمي


 المعلومة البيئية من منظور القانون الدولي 



Wednesday 28 April 2021

Special issue on Eco-issues in International Law


Arab Journal of International Law (ARJIL) and the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport are pleased to announce the publication of the 1st special issue of its annual peer-reviewed journal, ARJIL. Titled “ECO-ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL LAW” Articles in Russian, English, and French in this issue include “The Capitalocene and the Human great Suffering”, by El Houcine Chougrani; “Legislation Act of the Russian Federation in the Context of Climate Change”, by Ivakin Viktor Ivanovich; “A Climate Refugee in Africa from an International Law perspective”, by El Houcine Chougrani, Abdedaim Battioui & Mohamed Benchekroun; “Lobbyist appropriation of the climate issue and dead ends of the energy transition”, by M’hammed Belaarbi; “The Environmental Question in the History of Economic Thought”, by Brahim Dinar; “The Arab World Facing the climate change”, by Mohammed El Wali & Mohammed Saddougui. As for articles in Arabic “Mechanisms of Capitalist Economic Growth and Environmental Problems”, by Hettabi El Mostafa; “The Public Policies confront climate change in the Arab countries. Reality and ambition”, by Kadhim Al Muqdadi; “Environmental Security in The Current International Order: Paradoxes and Challenges”, by Malika Zekhnini; “The World Trade Organization & The Environment: What interconnectedness?”, by Boubakeur Saba; “Non-Governmental Organizations and Climate Justice”, by Sidi Lemine Ould Sidi Oumar Cheikh; “Political dimensions of the climate change issue: who pays the price?”, by Ahmed Alhaqui; “Protection of Environmental Refugees in International law and Tunisian Law”, by Halima Mnasri.

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Monday 14 September 2020




A new book is published by the Arab Journal of International Law, the following is a brief overview about it:

A collective monograph ‘The functional–cost analysis and turnover capital management’  is a unique manuscript, concretely emphasizing  the role of functional–cost analysis in the turnover capital management.

The research is conducted  on trends’ data of the real sector of the Russian economy over a long-term period.

The manuscript provides a complete and systematic interpretation of the category “capital” through the understanding of its formation characteristics.

The paper introduces the theoretical and methodological foundations of organization improvement and the conducting of the functional–cost analysis in contemporary conditions. The quantitative relation between production quality with the manufacturing cost as well as sales volume is particularly examined. The authors pay special attention to methodological foundations of the functional–cost analysis,  which they have developed in order to demonstrate the application of the functional–cost analysis in the sphere of management of production companies within new economic activity conditions. The conception of the functional–cost analysis management is introduced, including its organizational structure, the financial mechanism and incentives for the application and development of its results within the process of transition to a market economy.

The book is recommended for production enterprise managers’ training, high-schools’ staff, economists, scientists, as well as post-graduate students. 

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